Saturday, 18 December 2010
Friday, 11 June 2010

Mom, please don't worry 'cause
I'm doing really well,
Even though I miss you on
This Happy Mother's Day!
Wishing you were with me 'cause
In that case I could tell
You all the things that happened to me
While you were away.
I love you even though you can't
Be with me just for now.
And I know you love me, too,
'Cause I'm your son,
And I'm sure that you will come
To me someday, somehow,
And I will see you look at me
And know that you have smiled.
Ahmed Hazara
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
I'm so afraid
of everything
not sure of myself
it seems impossible to breathe
my heart is beating way to fast
and my body is shivering
it's starting all over again
fear is killing me slowly
fear from the past and the future
my mind seems unable to think clearly
how long can I face this?
I'm tired
don't wanna face this again

I used to think it was over
Our friendship and my love
But I forgot the cuteness of your smile
The way you make me laugh
The color of your eyes
And the smell of your hair
But now I remember
I guess I'll never get you out of my head
The way we talked
Without any tension
Just so relaxed
I forgot how I loved you
I thought it was over
But now I know it isn't
Maybe you're the one
Who knows
Maybe you're going to hurt me again
I guess I'll just have to wait and see
For now I want to be with you
I want to love you
I want you to make me smile again
I want to keep feeling the butterfly's inside of me
Maybe it's just for a while
But it's worth it
Some time ago
I told myself to forget you
But I simply can't
I just have to see your smile
Or your eyes
Then I'm sold
All handed over to your heart
And you'll stay forever in mine
Baby, I want to kiss your lips
Hold you in my arms
My dream comes true
The dream of you and me
The way it was today
So calm, so relaxed
That's the way I want to keep you in my heart
Not the way it used to be
The silences in our conversations
The way you acted to me
So attached
You've hurt me so bad with that
But the doubt nest left my heart today
You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with
Maybe that's the way you feel it too
And if not..
I'll be the one where you can cry with
The one who will listen to your sorrows
So, please,
If I'm not the one for you
Then let me be your friend
An important person in your life
I don't want to forget you
Live my life without you
You're the one I really care for
Not just a crush
You have whole my heart
You can do with it whatever you want
But please, don't hurt me
Because I do care for you
Let me know if you need me
I'll be there
No matter what
Ahmed Hazara

A place alone
Where I can be happy
It's just a dream
I try to reach it every day
But every time I have just some hope
It's taken away
By the things you say
Every day
My sorrow grows again
And my feelings come back
I try not to cry
But then my tears start coming
Rolling slowly down my cheeks
Falling in the darkness
The coldness
of my fears
With frozen thoughts
Left behind
From this life without sense
Ahmed Hazara
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
my land of dreams....
Beyond these walls
there's a place away from the screams,
in my own world
my land of dreams....
Where shouts turn to birdsong
and cries turn to laughs,
when happiness is sunshine
banishing the dark.
Where fights are with pillows
and tears are of joy,
where there is silence
never any noise.
Where anger is unknown
and hate is love,
where lies are clouds
kept high above.
Where peace is mine
mine and yours,
echoing instead of
the banging of doors.
Beyond these walls
there's a place where things are what they seem,
in my own world
my land of dreams...