Friday, 29 August 2008

راه خیال

دشنام شبت شاخه گلبرگ وجودم
آنشب که دیشب بود یگبار تو رفتی
در شربت شبو در عهد دلم او
آن فقر کجا بود اینبار تو رفتی
هر رنگ بنفش است دیوار خیالم
من تشنه چشمت ای یار تو رفتی
هر وقت اگر آیم در خانه هجران
من غلغله جوی بسیار تو رفتی
گر ماهی شوم من غرقم به یادت
سیرم ز زنده گی خونبار تو رفتی
ای دهکده مرگ بگذار بیگریم
این اصل لجن زار زینبار تو رفتی
تو قاصد ناهید بشنو نوایم
من شاپره شمع گام گار تو رفتی
در صبح روم من در کوه امید ها
آن آمید من نیست هر بار تو رفتی
پرسیدم از این سنگ جویدم از ان سنگ
آهو که مرا دید شاهکار تو رفتی
سرگردان حیران دیوانه و عاشق
گویم تو کجائی زینگار تو رفتی


ندانستم چی بنویسم؟

آز این آبر و از آن باران
آز آین پهلو آز آن هجران
آز آین خاک و آز آن باغبان
من آن حیران بیباکم
تبسم خانه مرگم
اگر سخت است...
همین دیوان بدبخت است
کجائی نقره دستم؟
پشت دیوار تنهائی؟
نزن انگشت به هر راهی
ولی ساکن؟
به آهو گویمش زردم
به ُهد ُهد گویمش دردم
همانا خنده ها که رفت
ندانستم چی بنویسم
به سوی آسمان دیدم همه نالد ز غربتها
بسی مشکل!!
غریبم من؟
عالم دیوانگی دارم
تو آمروز...
شکستی روشنی روزم
تو بستی ساعتی سوزم
تو عشق لانه ام بودی
قبرم کفن دوزم
هزاران نکته در چشمم
مثل یاّس
نظاره کنی
روم آخیر کفن پوشم
ولی آخیر چی بنویسم؟


Wednesday, 27 August 2008

The Lonely boy

Dusty deserted sidewalks.
Barred doors with locks
Dustbins bursting with dirt
Greet the lonesome childin
a ragged shirt.
The end of but another day
Another mile off his torturous way
The world soundly sleeps
While he looks for a place
His head to keep.
Does no one care?
No-no there is no one to share
His pain and his sorrow
Are all his and a yet
Another sorry tomorrow!
No hands, no eyes
No legs no feet
Is there no one
to give him his daily meat?
“My strength, my shield is my God on high”
He then closes his eyes with a sigh
by Ahmed

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

About Jaghori

Jaghori(also spell 'Jaghure' or 'Jaghori') is a major business center and one of the main districts of Ghazni province in Afghanistan. It is situated in the highlands of the central azarajat. region. The population was estimated at 192,216 in 2002, making it one of the most populous districts in Afghanistan.
Jaghori is home to the Hazaras; an ethnic group that constitutes 19%-25% of Afghanistan's population. They speak Hazaragi, a rural accent of Dari. The literacy rate, estimated at 30% for men and 10% for women, is among the highest in the country, and there is a noteworthy library of around 5000 books in the capital, Sange-e-Masha.
Sange-e-Masha is a small bazaar of mud and dust. The rest of the district comprises
villages of different sizes all dependent on agriculture as the main source of income and food.
Jaghori's economy is overwhelmingly agriculture-based. Wheat is the main crop while nuts, apples, and grapes are also grown in significant amount. Cattles include cows, sheep, and goats. Transportat
ion is a combination of vehicles and animals. The well-off use modern transportation.
In contrast to the rest of the country Jaghori has witnessed little destruction, although local militia and forces loyal to the warlords have destroyed the little infrastructure that existed.

In 2007 the general upsurge in violence in Afghanistan has spilled into Jaghori. Taliban militiamen from neighbouring districts have staged two attacks against district police posts and an attack on the family of the local police commander and warlord Bashi Habibullah. The Taliban has also issued warning night-letters to villagers in the district.
Jaghori has in recent years produced the largest number of students to qualify for a
place in Kabul and other universities in Afghanistan, which some estimate to be in thousands. The new trend towards learning and education has come as a reaction against what people went through during the decades of factional, tribal, ethnic and religious conflicts.
Currently there are a number of High Schools, and hundreds of smaller primary and middle schools in the district but there are few signs of other infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water or gas.
Important bazaars are Sange-e-Masha, angori and ghojor.

Radio Jaghori Fact Sheet

Radio Jaghori, An ice breaker for media coverage in Jaghori District and also covering some areas of Qarabagh District and part of Malistan District. Radio Jaghori is the first and the only local radio in Jaghori district based in Sang-e-Mash, established in 2004 covering the range of 220,000 populated areas with 150KW transmitter, band FM 90 KHz, from 7:00AM to 21:00PM broadcasting its programs. The initiative of radio establishment is to provide a democratic environment for promotion and development of local communities in regards to Education, Child focused Issues, Women empowerment, Promotion of Agriculture Methods, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Awareness for Health, Latest News, Entertainment and Business Marketing

Education: Since Taliban defeated, people in Jaghori are more concern for the better educational facilities and opportunities for boys and girls and Jaghori District has holding for past two years the credit for highest percentage of education ratio for male and female among entire Afghanistan’s Districts. Radio Jaghori is working more on encouraging and introducing the western and scientific system of education. Making awareness for benefits of women education and participation of women in daily activities and development.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008


ما اگر ز خاطر خدا نرفته ایم
.پس چرا به داد ما نمیرسد
.ما صدای گریه مان به آسمان رسید
.از خدا چرا صدا نمی رسد ؟


مردی در مقابل گل فروشی ایستاده بود و می خواست دسته گلی برای مادرش که در شهر دیگری بود سفارش دهد تا برایش پست شود.
وقتی از گل فروشی خارج شد دختری را دید که روی جدول خیابان نشسته بود و هق هق گریه می کرد . مرد نزدیک دختر رفت و از او پرسید :دختر خوب ، چرا گریه می کنی ؟
دختر در حالی که گریه می کرد گفت: می خواستم برای مادرم یک شاخه گل بخرم ولی فقط 75 سنت دارم در حالی که گل رز 2 دلار می شود/ مرد لبخندی زد و گفت:با من بیا ، من برای تو یک شاخه گل رز قشنگ می خرم .
وقتی از گل فروشی خارج می شدند مرد به دختر گفت: مادرت کجاست ؟ می خوای برسونمت ؟ دختر دست مرد را گرفت و گفت : آنجا و به قبرستان آن طرف خیابان اشاره کرد .
مرد او را به قبرستان برد و دختر روی قبر تازه نشست و گل را آنجا گذاشت.
مرد دلش گرفت ، طاقت نیاورد، به گل فروشی برگشت، دسته گل را گرفت و 200 مایل رانندگی کرد تا خودش دسته گل را به مادرش بدهد.
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