Friday, 29 August 2008

راه خیال

دشنام شبت شاخه گلبرگ وجودم
آنشب که دیشب بود یگبار تو رفتی
در شربت شبو در عهد دلم او
آن فقر کجا بود اینبار تو رفتی
هر رنگ بنفش است دیوار خیالم
من تشنه چشمت ای یار تو رفتی
هر وقت اگر آیم در خانه هجران
من غلغله جوی بسیار تو رفتی
گر ماهی شوم من غرقم به یادت
سیرم ز زنده گی خونبار تو رفتی
ای دهکده مرگ بگذار بیگریم
این اصل لجن زار زینبار تو رفتی
تو قاصد ناهید بشنو نوایم
من شاپره شمع گام گار تو رفتی
در صبح روم من در کوه امید ها
آن آمید من نیست هر بار تو رفتی
پرسیدم از این سنگ جویدم از ان سنگ
آهو که مرا دید شاهکار تو رفتی
سرگردان حیران دیوانه و عاشق
گویم تو کجائی زینگار تو رفتی


ندانستم چی بنویسم؟

آز این آبر و از آن باران
آز آین پهلو آز آن هجران
آز آین خاک و آز آن باغبان
من آن حیران بیباکم
تبسم خانه مرگم
اگر سخت است...
همین دیوان بدبخت است
کجائی نقره دستم؟
پشت دیوار تنهائی؟
نزن انگشت به هر راهی
ولی ساکن؟
به آهو گویمش زردم
به ُهد ُهد گویمش دردم
همانا خنده ها که رفت
ندانستم چی بنویسم
به سوی آسمان دیدم همه نالد ز غربتها
بسی مشکل!!
غریبم من؟
عالم دیوانگی دارم
تو آمروز...
شکستی روشنی روزم
تو بستی ساعتی سوزم
تو عشق لانه ام بودی
قبرم کفن دوزم
هزاران نکته در چشمم
مثل یاّس
نظاره کنی
روم آخیر کفن پوشم
ولی آخیر چی بنویسم؟


Wednesday, 27 August 2008

The Lonely boy

Dusty deserted sidewalks.
Barred doors with locks
Dustbins bursting with dirt
Greet the lonesome childin
a ragged shirt.
The end of but another day
Another mile off his torturous way
The world soundly sleeps
While he looks for a place
His head to keep.
Does no one care?
No-no there is no one to share
His pain and his sorrow
Are all his and a yet
Another sorry tomorrow!
No hands, no eyes
No legs no feet
Is there no one
to give him his daily meat?
“My strength, my shield is my God on high”
He then closes his eyes with a sigh
by Ahmed

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

About Jaghori

Jaghori(also spell 'Jaghure' or 'Jaghori') is a major business center and one of the main districts of Ghazni province in Afghanistan. It is situated in the highlands of the central azarajat. region. The population was estimated at 192,216 in 2002, making it one of the most populous districts in Afghanistan.
Jaghori is home to the Hazaras; an ethnic group that constitutes 19%-25% of Afghanistan's population. They speak Hazaragi, a rural accent of Dari. The literacy rate, estimated at 30% for men and 10% for women, is among the highest in the country, and there is a noteworthy library of around 5000 books in the capital, Sange-e-Masha.
Sange-e-Masha is a small bazaar of mud and dust. The rest of the district comprises
villages of different sizes all dependent on agriculture as the main source of income and food.
Jaghori's economy is overwhelmingly agriculture-based. Wheat is the main crop while nuts, apples, and grapes are also grown in significant amount. Cattles include cows, sheep, and goats. Transportat
ion is a combination of vehicles and animals. The well-off use modern transportation.
In contrast to the rest of the country Jaghori has witnessed little destruction, although local militia and forces loyal to the warlords have destroyed the little infrastructure that existed.

In 2007 the general upsurge in violence in Afghanistan has spilled into Jaghori. Taliban militiamen from neighbouring districts have staged two attacks against district police posts and an attack on the family of the local police commander and warlord Bashi Habibullah. The Taliban has also issued warning night-letters to villagers in the district.
Jaghori has in recent years produced the largest number of students to qualify for a
place in Kabul and other universities in Afghanistan, which some estimate to be in thousands. The new trend towards learning and education has come as a reaction against what people went through during the decades of factional, tribal, ethnic and religious conflicts.
Currently there are a number of High Schools, and hundreds of smaller primary and middle schools in the district but there are few signs of other infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water or gas.
Important bazaars are Sange-e-Masha, angori and ghojor.

Radio Jaghori Fact Sheet

Radio Jaghori, An ice breaker for media coverage in Jaghori District and also covering some areas of Qarabagh District and part of Malistan District. Radio Jaghori is the first and the only local radio in Jaghori district based in Sang-e-Mash, established in 2004 covering the range of 220,000 populated areas with 150KW transmitter, band FM 90 KHz, from 7:00AM to 21:00PM broadcasting its programs. The initiative of radio establishment is to provide a democratic environment for promotion and development of local communities in regards to Education, Child focused Issues, Women empowerment, Promotion of Agriculture Methods, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Awareness for Health, Latest News, Entertainment and Business Marketing

Education: Since Taliban defeated, people in Jaghori are more concern for the better educational facilities and opportunities for boys and girls and Jaghori District has holding for past two years the credit for highest percentage of education ratio for male and female among entire Afghanistan’s Districts. Radio Jaghori is working more on encouraging and introducing the western and scientific system of education. Making awareness for benefits of women education and participation of women in daily activities and development.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008


ما اگر ز خاطر خدا نرفته ایم
.پس چرا به داد ما نمیرسد
.ما صدای گریه مان به آسمان رسید
.از خدا چرا صدا نمی رسد ؟


مردی در مقابل گل فروشی ایستاده بود و می خواست دسته گلی برای مادرش که در شهر دیگری بود سفارش دهد تا برایش پست شود.
وقتی از گل فروشی خارج شد دختری را دید که روی جدول خیابان نشسته بود و هق هق گریه می کرد . مرد نزدیک دختر رفت و از او پرسید :دختر خوب ، چرا گریه می کنی ؟
دختر در حالی که گریه می کرد گفت: می خواستم برای مادرم یک شاخه گل بخرم ولی فقط 75 سنت دارم در حالی که گل رز 2 دلار می شود/ مرد لبخندی زد و گفت:با من بیا ، من برای تو یک شاخه گل رز قشنگ می خرم .
وقتی از گل فروشی خارج می شدند مرد به دختر گفت: مادرت کجاست ؟ می خوای برسونمت ؟ دختر دست مرد را گرفت و گفت : آنجا و به قبرستان آن طرف خیابان اشاره کرد .
مرد او را به قبرستان برد و دختر روی قبر تازه نشست و گل را آنجا گذاشت.
مرد دلش گرفت ، طاقت نیاورد، به گل فروشی برگشت، دسته گل را گرفت و 200 مایل رانندگی کرد تا خودش دسته گل را به مادرش بدهد.
یادت نره یک مادری دارید که همیشه با شما بوده و هست

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Some Jokes

there was a huge hearth quake in Pakistan, about one million killed, America sent soldiers to help and recover bodies, united nation sent lots of tent and blankets, europe sent lots of midicine and doctors, in here Britian did not want to left behind the others so Britain sent one million pakistani replacement back home.

Crying Baby

The young father was pushing the crying baby down the street with what appeared to be absolute calm and self-assurance.

People on the street could hear what he was saying as he passed.

"Take it easy, Nasrudin," he said. "Don't let it get you down, Nasrudin, you will soon be safe back home. Things will be all right, Nasrudin, if you just keep calm."

One motherly type woman waiting for a bus, heard and saw the young father and said to him, "I think you are wonderful the way you are taking care of the baby."

Then she leaned over to the baby and said, "Now, don't cry, Nasrudin, everything is going to be all right." "LADY," said the father, "YOU HAVE GOT IT ALL WRONG. HIS NAME IS TOMMY -- I AM NASRUDIN."

Perfect Girlfriend

I recently attended a meeting of the International Singles Club here in Silicon Valley. I met a Chinese woman who was a dentist.

She had perfect teeth, which started me thinking: All dentists from all cultures apparently have perfect teeth.

So, I am looking for a gynecologist for my next girlfriend

Get Me Another Lawyer

Defendant: Your Honor, I want you to appoint me another lawyer.

Judge: And why is that?

Defendant: Because the Public Defender isn't interested in my case.

Judge (to Public Defender): Do you have any comments on the defendant's motion?

Public Defender: I'm sorry, Your Honor. I wasn't listening.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Hazara children in traditional dress

Biography: Dr Sima Samar

Afghan physician Sima Samar (born 1957) was internationally recognized for her human rights activism, especially on behalf of Afghan women, when she was appointed one of five deputy prime ministers in Afghanistan's new government in December of 2001. The appointment as women's affairs minister was the most senior position ever held by a woman in her country, and Samar's outspoken advocacy of women's rights incurred the wrath of many of her conservative male counterparts and countrymen, cutting her political career short. Undaunted, Samarcontinued her lifelong crusade by chairing the Independent Afghanistan Human Rights Commission.

Samar was born in February of 1957, in Ghazani,Province Jaghori District of Afghanistan. Her father, Qadam Ali, was a civil servant and her mother, Khurshid, was the first of his two wives. One of eleven children and a member of Afghanistan's Hazara ethnic minority, Samar learned early on the meaning of sexual and racial inequality.

Hazara people

The Hazāra are a Persian-speaking Asiatic people residing in the central region of Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan. The Hazara are predominantly Shia Muslims and are the third largest ethnic group in Afghanistan. Hazaras can also be found in large numbers in neighboring Iran and Pakistan, primarily as refugees, and as Diaspora around the world. Their native homeland is referred to as Hazarajat.

Hazara people's long suffering

First they fled fighting against occupation forces from the old Soviet Union. Then they came here to escape a vicious civil war.

The coming of the Taliban 12 years ago saw religious persecution intensify. And now they are running away from hunger, winter and American bombs.

The Hazara people of Afghanistan are its most culturally distinct, and most persecuted. Their gentle Mongolian features set them apart from other Afghans; so does their adherence to the Shia sect of Islam.

So long as they bomb, only the Taliban get food


Traditionally they live in the central Afghan province of Bamiayan, and in southwest Kabul. And Jaghori District Now most are in exile, many in Quetta's Hazaratown district.

Dr Kasim Waheedi is typical of his people. He is slight in stature, generous and well-educated. He has lived in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now Pakistan. And he is trying in his own small way to help his people cope with exile - he runs a primary school.

"Under the Taliban, life was unbearable for us," he said, reeling off a grim list of places where Hazaras have been massacred by fanatical Taleban commanders ready to use any excuse to kill Shia Muslims.

Dr Kasim Waheedi says.

"I came here earlier and watched as the Taleban were founded, so I realized that many, many more Hazara people would come to Quetta . That's why I run this school."


The distinctly Shia call to prayer sounds as Mafila is speaking, summoning the faithful to a nearby mosque, or Imam bargha, as the places of worship are known in this branch of Islam.

The sound is more plaintive, and occasional Persian words are heard amongst the Arabic of the Holy Koran.

I have seen no food, I have seen only hungry children


After prayers, five women file into the open courtyard of the building and resume spinning wool into yarn - a job that earns a dollar a day. Khadija is 45, named after the first wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammed. That Khadija was a successful businesswoman whose camel caravans traded up and down the Arab world of 1300 years ago.

Her modern namesake is destitute, an escapee from Kabul with an 80-year-old husband and four children to feed on a pittance.

When I tell her that some British political leaders have suggested that enough food is getting into Afghanistan - despite the bombardment - she gets angry and shouts at me.

She says

"I have seen no food, I have seen only hungry children," she said. "Someone died of hunger in this mosque that time. Where is this food? Where is this relief?

"So long as they bomb, only the Taleban get food. We Hazara people always suffer. Always. When will that ever change?"

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Barat ALi Batoor Photographer


Barat Ali Batoor was born in Quetta, Pakistan in 1983, in a family that was driven out of Afghanistan during civil war of 1890's when most of his people were massaacred. He returned to his ancestral country for first time after September 11, 2001 when the Taliban regime was still in Kandahar. After visiting the devastation and destruction of 23 years of war, he decided to work for his country and to draw the world attention to the problems facing the country and to the plight of the people. He chose photography as his medium of expression. Through his photographs, he would like to take people to see the realities of lives of the people who want their stories to be heard and seen.
His works are published in magazines, news papers and catalogues such as India Today, Outlook Afghanistan and Afghan Scene etc.


Milo Shaheed Trust is known throughout Pakistan as the one place where drug addicts can receive serious help in over-coming their addictions. It is a well-organized center run primarily on donations by the Hazara community and receives patients from neighboring Afghanistan and Iran as well.

This website is being set up to allow expatriates and other interested parties to make much-needed donations to the Trust, which is an NPO with no government funding and a long-standing need to expand.

The |Hazara |Identity

The |Hazara |Identity

Hazaras have a unique place and dwilling in the history of cultures and ethnicities for they are the only Nation that hold oriental and other mix backgrounds as will as communion with the religion of Islam. It is unlikely to find another such nationality with the same charactaristics. Hazaras are identified by their specific oriental like facial features such as pointed cheek bones, asian like eyes, nose and many more asian physical atributes. But more significantly, they are identified as the freedom fighters and seekers of justice against tyranical regimes that have oppressed them over the years. They are the most oppressed and most mistreated ethnic minority in Afghanistan, and unfortunatley this vicious saga of brutality and barbarism continues to this very day of the twenieth century.
Hazaras have always had to stay on their toes to defend themselves against their age old enemies, the Pashtoons. One can only know them (pashtoons) by living with them. They can never be trusted for it is in their blood to hate and kill Hazaras. This might sound extreme, but it is an undeniable fact. This is a matter of course and truth, the mention of which has nothing to do with the obvious conclusions. Hazaras are peace loving people who happened to have fallen in the hands of the wrong, foolish majority. Hazaras are freedom lovers. What if it was the other way around? Would the Hazaras carry out such atrocities against others; the answer lies in their ratianality and system of justice. The essence of Hazara identity is in their struggle against tyrany and oppression for to die free is preferred over the life of slavery. Their spirited and zealous mannor of combating the tyrants through out their history is a testament of True Hazara Identity and Spirit. Hazaras are the symbol of liberty for they have a love and strong conviction to freedom and justice. Being a Hazara is to have aliegence to the Truth.

The great "Ustad" Mazari

A Short Biography of the Martyred Leader, Abdul Ali Mazari (R.A.)

The demand for rights is a call for brotherhood amongst the different peoples, not for enmity." Martyred Leader, Abdul Ali Mazari (R.A.)

The life of the martyred leader, Abdul Ali Mazari, is a clear reflection of the lives of his people in our country's painful history. He was born to poverty and deprivation, lived as a refugee even in his own country, but died as a hero.

The exact birth date of the martyred leader, is not clear, but he was born into a poor peasant family in 1325 AH (1946) in Nanvayee, a village in Charkent, Mazar-i Sharif in Balkh province, Afghanistan. He began his primary schooling in theology at the local school in his village, then went to Mazar-i Sharif , and on to theology school in Qom and Najaf. Throughout this period, he faced poverty in his own life and was aware of it in the lives of his people, and strove indefatigably and with total honesty for its eradication. The political activities of the martyred leader in Iran led to his imprisonment and torture by the Shah's regime on several occasions.

Simultaneously with the occupation of our country by the Red Army, the martyred leader returned to his birthplace and took leadership of his people's armed jihad. The legendary struggles of the martyred leader in Charkent, Sholgar, Chantal and other northern regions is the pride of our nation's justified resistance. During the first years of the Jihad, he lost his young brother, Mohammed Sultan, in a face to face battle with the occupying army, as well as his sister and several other members of his family. His uncle, Mohammad Ja'afar, and his son, Mohammad Afzal, were imprisoned and killed by the puppet regime in Kabul. He also lost his father, Haji Khadadad, and his brother, Haji Mohammad Nabi, in the rebellion and liberation struggle of his nation.

The martyred leader was one of the founders of the Islamic Wahdat Party of Afghanistan and one of its hones, hardworking, brave and selfless members. In the first Congress he was elected leader of the Central Committee and in the second Congress, Secretary General of the Wahdat Party. Ustad Mazari's initiative led to the creation of the Jonbesh-e Shomal (Northern Movement), in which the country's most significant military force joined ranks with the Mujahideen, leading to a coup d'etat and the eventual downfall of the regime in Kabul.

The leadership of the resistance, and the holy struggle by our freedom-loving people in the city of blood and rebellion, Kabul, marked an immortal legendary war of resistance in our history. During this period, the martyred leader fought step by step alongside his proud nation, for the protection of our national honor and dignity, with steadfastness, certainty and honesty, to crush the twin monsters of monopoly and fascism. Twenty-six fierce wars imposed on his people by their enemies were repulsed, and wile the majority of our leaders escaped to safety with their own lives, the martyred leader vowed to his people: "I have no interests at heart other than your interests. I have never asked God to separate me from you just to save my own life and leave you alone on the battlefield... I have always wished for my blood to be shed and to be killed in your midst...Away from you, my life has no value."

The martyred leader was the promoter of human rights and Islamic brotherhood for all our country's peoples, and insisted that "the demand for rights is a call for brotherhood amongst the different peoples, not for enmity." He would proclaim in certainty: "we have never had anything in Afghanistan and do not want any advantages now. We simply want to crush the monster of monopoly." In the pursuit of national unity, the martyred leader initiated the valuable Supreme Coordination Council, where for the first time, the practice of brotherhood and equality amongst all our country's peoples was successfully put to the test.

With this initiative, the martyred leader transformed the atmosphere of black pessimism and hostility amongst our country's different peoples- the outcome of the doomed policies of Afghanistan's senseless leaders - to a healthy atmosphere of brotherhood and partnership. The poisoned and hostile relations between our country's different peoples was the cause of great suffering for the martyred leader. When asked by Sayed Mansour Nabi: "What are your demands for your people?", he replied: "Our only wish for our people is that being Hazara should no longer be a crime." The bloody tragedy at Afshar marked the darkest moment in the leader's life, the memory of which always brought tears to his eyes, whereupon he would sigh: "I wish I had not been alive to see the Afshar tragedy." In his speech in 8 Sour 1372 AH (28 April 1994), on the day of the execution of the traitors responsible for the events at Afshar, he said: "the Afshar tragedy has completely overturned my beliefs." The hatred inspired in our leader by the collaborators and traitors, was rooted in the depth of a tragedy which continued to pain him. In his speech at the commemoration ceremony for the martyrs of 23 Sonboleh 1373 AH (14 Sept 1994), Ustad Mazari, who exposed the depth of his pain, bitterly sighed: "the painful events of the Afshar tragedy, from whose memory our people and future generations shall always suffer and hurt, was the work of collaborators, led by Mr. Anvari." In recalling Sayed Hadi's betrayal, he added: "you must be aware that the bitter events accidentally; there were collaborators involved." He added: "it is Mr. Hadi who is responsible for the blood of Ashar's 700 martyrs and disappeared, and for the destruction and looting of 4000 homes."

The martyred leader, Mazari, more than anything else suffered and was pained by treachery and collaboration by outsiders against the people. Reactionary Shi'ism, servile by nature and essence, always pressurized him and kissed the hand that shed the blood of our people's sons. The conspiracy of 23 Sonboleh 1373 (14 Sept 1994) by Massoud's fascism in collaboration with reactionary Shi'ism, was neutralized as a result of the martyred leader's steadfastness and certainty, and Kabul's aware and freedom-loving people. Following this conspiracy, reactionary Shi'ism was rejected by the people, and revealed its true anti-populist nature in its flight into the arms of the enemy.

Following the utter failure of fascism's assaults on our people, it was the forces reactionary Shi'ism which continued to encourage the enemy to attach and conquer West Kabul. Following the withdrawal of Hizb-i Islami forces from Kabul, reactionary Shi'ism began its program of propaganda against the people of West Kabul via Showra-ye Nizar's radio station....

Following fascism's barbaric reprisals at the end of Dalv (February), the martyred leader and the heroic people of West undertook a legendary and brave defensive which lasted until Saturday, 21 Hoot (11 March 1995), and immortalized the legend of resistance with their defense against its last three-day assault.

However, when the Taliban - these false bearers of peace - suggested mediating to end the fighting, the Islamic Wahdat Party leadership welcomed Taliban with honesty and trusting belief in the Taliban's aims, and placed them in some if its front-line positions. Unfortunately, in view of outside provocation and the Taliban's lack of familiarity with the social strains on our people and country, in particular the people of West Kabul, they forcefully disarmed the Islamic Wahdat Party's brave fighters and evacuated them from their positions, ignoring the concerns of the Islamic Wahdat Party's leader over the Taliban's inability to defend these positions in West Kabul. Even so, our martyred leader, Mazari, in view of his own sincere desire to end the Taliban's insistence, and handed over the party's positions to them. Alas, following the fascists' first assault, the Taliban abandoned their positions and the people of West Kabul to their fate at the hands of the bloodthirsty adversary without defense.

In spite of this, at 2:30 PM on the afternoon of Saturday (3/11/1995), martyr Mazari sent this, his last letter, to Mulla Burjan via the honorable Al-Haj Abdul Hussain Maqsoodi, member if the Islamic Wahdat Party Central Committee: "Mr Mulla Burjan, Greetings...
We told you before that you would not be able to defend our front-line positions. We are still ready to defend our people if you release our heavy arms and arsenal into our hands. We can form a front-line of defense against Showra-ye Nizar and Rabbani composed of these people. Our envoy has come to you; clarify your position so that we can take control of all of West Kabul."

After sending this letter our martyred leader dispatched a letter to the brave people of West Kabul, appealing to them to fight to the last breath to repulse the enemies of their honor and good name, and to prevent a repetition of the Afshar tragedy.

The leader's letter, which was sent at a very sensitive time, was read only in a few mosques in West Kabul. When Mulla Burjan, the Taliban commander, requested a personal meeting with Ustad Mazari, the leader set off at 3:30 PM, in the company of a group of the Islamic Wahdat Party Central Committee members, in a convoy of two cars towards the arranged meeting place, whereupon Mulla Burjan abducted them in the most shameful and un-Islamic way in the vicinity of Pul-e Ghul Bagh and transferred them to Char Asia.

The dishonorable and un-Islamic treatment of Ustad Mazari by the Taliban has been witnessed and reported by foreign journalists. This treatment exposed the continued existence of the depth of hatred and blind prejudice in the face of the ideals of truth, freedom and justice. The Taliban's next move of transferring Ustad Mazari and his martyred companions to Qandahar and their execution on the way there was the conclusion of the Taliban's treacherous anti-nationalist conspiracy and the exposure of their blind prejudice and hatred.

Alas, Mazari, our people's brave child and the immortal personification of legendary honor and self-sacrifice was executed by the Taliban on Sunday 21/12/1373 (March 11 1995), and began his holy ascent to that holy place reserved for him. To our nation's painful history, was once again added. The loss of the martyred leader, Mazari, signals a repetition of the unrelenting tragedy suffered by the Hazara people and each and every oppressed soul in our country.

Mazari, who was a refugee just like his people, even in his own homeland, has now turned into our nation's immortal hero, whose red blood boils in the veins of every conscientious human being.

Today, Mazari is no longer an individual, but the personification of a nation. Today our society's every justice-seeking Hazara and citizen is another Mazari. The Taliban, whose deceitful and murderous face was tainted for the first time with the blood of our people's leader, shall pay a heavy price for their shameful and inexpedint actions and for the death of justice and liberation at the black hearts of the Taliban and their supporters.

Mazari's soul will be the totem of the dispossessed which will forever be in flight from its resting place to knock on the door of every conscientious Hazara and Afghan. Thus Mazari will be immortalized. May Allah bless his soul, Ameen.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah
The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of Judgement.
Thee do we worship,
And Thine aid we seek.
Guide us to and in the straight Way.
The way of those on whom
Though hast bestowed Thy Grace,
Those whose (portion)
Is not wrath,
And who go not astray.
(The Holy Qur'an-Al-Fatihah)

Martyr Abdul Ali Mazari'z Cultural Centre

Saturday, 28 June 2008

به اميد انروز

خاطر آدينه را

پايه مدينه را

خانه پروانه را

ترا به فرض اين ديار

مرا ببخش

دنيا نميخواهد مرا

خدا نمي بخشد مرا

دريا نميبرد مرا

ترا به راستي ام قسم

مرا ببخش

تخت سفر رنگ ديگر

عرش شفق پرده حق

پرنده خسته منم

شايسته خانه منم

ترا قسم باز هم قسم

مرا ببخش

رفته بودم مهتابي بود

گفته بودم شفاهي بود

خواسته بودم قيمتي بود

ترا به مهر مادرت

مرا ببخش

به يگ سلام فقط بگو

به يگ کلام فقط بجو

ديگر نميگويم بس است

ديگر قسم نميخورم

فقط ببخش

مرا ببخش
From Gaisu

My Picture's