Sunday, 29 June 2008

Barat ALi Batoor Photographer


Barat Ali Batoor was born in Quetta, Pakistan in 1983, in a family that was driven out of Afghanistan during civil war of 1890's when most of his people were massaacred. He returned to his ancestral country for first time after September 11, 2001 when the Taliban regime was still in Kandahar. After visiting the devastation and destruction of 23 years of war, he decided to work for his country and to draw the world attention to the problems facing the country and to the plight of the people. He chose photography as his medium of expression. Through his photographs, he would like to take people to see the realities of lives of the people who want their stories to be heard and seen.
His works are published in magazines, news papers and catalogues such as India Today, Outlook Afghanistan and Afghan Scene etc.


Milo Shaheed Trust is known throughout Pakistan as the one place where drug addicts can receive serious help in over-coming their addictions. It is a well-organized center run primarily on donations by the Hazara community and receives patients from neighboring Afghanistan and Iran as well.

This website is being set up to allow expatriates and other interested parties to make much-needed donations to the Trust, which is an NPO with no government funding and a long-standing need to expand.

The |Hazara |Identity

The |Hazara |Identity

Hazaras have a unique place and dwilling in the history of cultures and ethnicities for they are the only Nation that hold oriental and other mix backgrounds as will as communion with the religion of Islam. It is unlikely to find another such nationality with the same charactaristics. Hazaras are identified by their specific oriental like facial features such as pointed cheek bones, asian like eyes, nose and many more asian physical atributes. But more significantly, they are identified as the freedom fighters and seekers of justice against tyranical regimes that have oppressed them over the years. They are the most oppressed and most mistreated ethnic minority in Afghanistan, and unfortunatley this vicious saga of brutality and barbarism continues to this very day of the twenieth century.
Hazaras have always had to stay on their toes to defend themselves against their age old enemies, the Pashtoons. One can only know them (pashtoons) by living with them. They can never be trusted for it is in their blood to hate and kill Hazaras. This might sound extreme, but it is an undeniable fact. This is a matter of course and truth, the mention of which has nothing to do with the obvious conclusions. Hazaras are peace loving people who happened to have fallen in the hands of the wrong, foolish majority. Hazaras are freedom lovers. What if it was the other way around? Would the Hazaras carry out such atrocities against others; the answer lies in their ratianality and system of justice. The essence of Hazara identity is in their struggle against tyrany and oppression for to die free is preferred over the life of slavery. Their spirited and zealous mannor of combating the tyrants through out their history is a testament of True Hazara Identity and Spirit. Hazaras are the symbol of liberty for they have a love and strong conviction to freedom and justice. Being a Hazara is to have aliegence to the Truth.

The great "Ustad" Mazari

A Short Biography of the Martyred Leader, Abdul Ali Mazari (R.A.)

The demand for rights is a call for brotherhood amongst the different peoples, not for enmity." Martyred Leader, Abdul Ali Mazari (R.A.)

The life of the martyred leader, Abdul Ali Mazari, is a clear reflection of the lives of his people in our country's painful history. He was born to poverty and deprivation, lived as a refugee even in his own country, but died as a hero.

The exact birth date of the martyred leader, is not clear, but he was born into a poor peasant family in 1325 AH (1946) in Nanvayee, a village in Charkent, Mazar-i Sharif in Balkh province, Afghanistan. He began his primary schooling in theology at the local school in his village, then went to Mazar-i Sharif , and on to theology school in Qom and Najaf. Throughout this period, he faced poverty in his own life and was aware of it in the lives of his people, and strove indefatigably and with total honesty for its eradication. The political activities of the martyred leader in Iran led to his imprisonment and torture by the Shah's regime on several occasions.

Simultaneously with the occupation of our country by the Red Army, the martyred leader returned to his birthplace and took leadership of his people's armed jihad. The legendary struggles of the martyred leader in Charkent, Sholgar, Chantal and other northern regions is the pride of our nation's justified resistance. During the first years of the Jihad, he lost his young brother, Mohammed Sultan, in a face to face battle with the occupying army, as well as his sister and several other members of his family. His uncle, Mohammad Ja'afar, and his son, Mohammad Afzal, were imprisoned and killed by the puppet regime in Kabul. He also lost his father, Haji Khadadad, and his brother, Haji Mohammad Nabi, in the rebellion and liberation struggle of his nation.

The martyred leader was one of the founders of the Islamic Wahdat Party of Afghanistan and one of its hones, hardworking, brave and selfless members. In the first Congress he was elected leader of the Central Committee and in the second Congress, Secretary General of the Wahdat Party. Ustad Mazari's initiative led to the creation of the Jonbesh-e Shomal (Northern Movement), in which the country's most significant military force joined ranks with the Mujahideen, leading to a coup d'etat and the eventual downfall of the regime in Kabul.

The leadership of the resistance, and the holy struggle by our freedom-loving people in the city of blood and rebellion, Kabul, marked an immortal legendary war of resistance in our history. During this period, the martyred leader fought step by step alongside his proud nation, for the protection of our national honor and dignity, with steadfastness, certainty and honesty, to crush the twin monsters of monopoly and fascism. Twenty-six fierce wars imposed on his people by their enemies were repulsed, and wile the majority of our leaders escaped to safety with their own lives, the martyred leader vowed to his people: "I have no interests at heart other than your interests. I have never asked God to separate me from you just to save my own life and leave you alone on the battlefield... I have always wished for my blood to be shed and to be killed in your midst...Away from you, my life has no value."

The martyred leader was the promoter of human rights and Islamic brotherhood for all our country's peoples, and insisted that "the demand for rights is a call for brotherhood amongst the different peoples, not for enmity." He would proclaim in certainty: "we have never had anything in Afghanistan and do not want any advantages now. We simply want to crush the monster of monopoly." In the pursuit of national unity, the martyred leader initiated the valuable Supreme Coordination Council, where for the first time, the practice of brotherhood and equality amongst all our country's peoples was successfully put to the test.

With this initiative, the martyred leader transformed the atmosphere of black pessimism and hostility amongst our country's different peoples- the outcome of the doomed policies of Afghanistan's senseless leaders - to a healthy atmosphere of brotherhood and partnership. The poisoned and hostile relations between our country's different peoples was the cause of great suffering for the martyred leader. When asked by Sayed Mansour Nabi: "What are your demands for your people?", he replied: "Our only wish for our people is that being Hazara should no longer be a crime." The bloody tragedy at Afshar marked the darkest moment in the leader's life, the memory of which always brought tears to his eyes, whereupon he would sigh: "I wish I had not been alive to see the Afshar tragedy." In his speech in 8 Sour 1372 AH (28 April 1994), on the day of the execution of the traitors responsible for the events at Afshar, he said: "the Afshar tragedy has completely overturned my beliefs." The hatred inspired in our leader by the collaborators and traitors, was rooted in the depth of a tragedy which continued to pain him. In his speech at the commemoration ceremony for the martyrs of 23 Sonboleh 1373 AH (14 Sept 1994), Ustad Mazari, who exposed the depth of his pain, bitterly sighed: "the painful events of the Afshar tragedy, from whose memory our people and future generations shall always suffer and hurt, was the work of collaborators, led by Mr. Anvari." In recalling Sayed Hadi's betrayal, he added: "you must be aware that the bitter events accidentally; there were collaborators involved." He added: "it is Mr. Hadi who is responsible for the blood of Ashar's 700 martyrs and disappeared, and for the destruction and looting of 4000 homes."

The martyred leader, Mazari, more than anything else suffered and was pained by treachery and collaboration by outsiders against the people. Reactionary Shi'ism, servile by nature and essence, always pressurized him and kissed the hand that shed the blood of our people's sons. The conspiracy of 23 Sonboleh 1373 (14 Sept 1994) by Massoud's fascism in collaboration with reactionary Shi'ism, was neutralized as a result of the martyred leader's steadfastness and certainty, and Kabul's aware and freedom-loving people. Following this conspiracy, reactionary Shi'ism was rejected by the people, and revealed its true anti-populist nature in its flight into the arms of the enemy.

Following the utter failure of fascism's assaults on our people, it was the forces reactionary Shi'ism which continued to encourage the enemy to attach and conquer West Kabul. Following the withdrawal of Hizb-i Islami forces from Kabul, reactionary Shi'ism began its program of propaganda against the people of West Kabul via Showra-ye Nizar's radio station....

Following fascism's barbaric reprisals at the end of Dalv (February), the martyred leader and the heroic people of West undertook a legendary and brave defensive which lasted until Saturday, 21 Hoot (11 March 1995), and immortalized the legend of resistance with their defense against its last three-day assault.

However, when the Taliban - these false bearers of peace - suggested mediating to end the fighting, the Islamic Wahdat Party leadership welcomed Taliban with honesty and trusting belief in the Taliban's aims, and placed them in some if its front-line positions. Unfortunately, in view of outside provocation and the Taliban's lack of familiarity with the social strains on our people and country, in particular the people of West Kabul, they forcefully disarmed the Islamic Wahdat Party's brave fighters and evacuated them from their positions, ignoring the concerns of the Islamic Wahdat Party's leader over the Taliban's inability to defend these positions in West Kabul. Even so, our martyred leader, Mazari, in view of his own sincere desire to end the Taliban's insistence, and handed over the party's positions to them. Alas, following the fascists' first assault, the Taliban abandoned their positions and the people of West Kabul to their fate at the hands of the bloodthirsty adversary without defense.

In spite of this, at 2:30 PM on the afternoon of Saturday (3/11/1995), martyr Mazari sent this, his last letter, to Mulla Burjan via the honorable Al-Haj Abdul Hussain Maqsoodi, member if the Islamic Wahdat Party Central Committee: "Mr Mulla Burjan, Greetings...
We told you before that you would not be able to defend our front-line positions. We are still ready to defend our people if you release our heavy arms and arsenal into our hands. We can form a front-line of defense against Showra-ye Nizar and Rabbani composed of these people. Our envoy has come to you; clarify your position so that we can take control of all of West Kabul."

After sending this letter our martyred leader dispatched a letter to the brave people of West Kabul, appealing to them to fight to the last breath to repulse the enemies of their honor and good name, and to prevent a repetition of the Afshar tragedy.

The leader's letter, which was sent at a very sensitive time, was read only in a few mosques in West Kabul. When Mulla Burjan, the Taliban commander, requested a personal meeting with Ustad Mazari, the leader set off at 3:30 PM, in the company of a group of the Islamic Wahdat Party Central Committee members, in a convoy of two cars towards the arranged meeting place, whereupon Mulla Burjan abducted them in the most shameful and un-Islamic way in the vicinity of Pul-e Ghul Bagh and transferred them to Char Asia.

The dishonorable and un-Islamic treatment of Ustad Mazari by the Taliban has been witnessed and reported by foreign journalists. This treatment exposed the continued existence of the depth of hatred and blind prejudice in the face of the ideals of truth, freedom and justice. The Taliban's next move of transferring Ustad Mazari and his martyred companions to Qandahar and their execution on the way there was the conclusion of the Taliban's treacherous anti-nationalist conspiracy and the exposure of their blind prejudice and hatred.

Alas, Mazari, our people's brave child and the immortal personification of legendary honor and self-sacrifice was executed by the Taliban on Sunday 21/12/1373 (March 11 1995), and began his holy ascent to that holy place reserved for him. To our nation's painful history, was once again added. The loss of the martyred leader, Mazari, signals a repetition of the unrelenting tragedy suffered by the Hazara people and each and every oppressed soul in our country.

Mazari, who was a refugee just like his people, even in his own homeland, has now turned into our nation's immortal hero, whose red blood boils in the veins of every conscientious human being.

Today, Mazari is no longer an individual, but the personification of a nation. Today our society's every justice-seeking Hazara and citizen is another Mazari. The Taliban, whose deceitful and murderous face was tainted for the first time with the blood of our people's leader, shall pay a heavy price for their shameful and inexpedint actions and for the death of justice and liberation at the black hearts of the Taliban and their supporters.

Mazari's soul will be the totem of the dispossessed which will forever be in flight from its resting place to knock on the door of every conscientious Hazara and Afghan. Thus Mazari will be immortalized. May Allah bless his soul, Ameen.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah
The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of Judgement.
Thee do we worship,
And Thine aid we seek.
Guide us to and in the straight Way.
The way of those on whom
Though hast bestowed Thy Grace,
Those whose (portion)
Is not wrath,
And who go not astray.
(The Holy Qur'an-Al-Fatihah)

Martyr Abdul Ali Mazari'z Cultural Centre

Saturday, 28 June 2008

به اميد انروز

خاطر آدينه را

پايه مدينه را

خانه پروانه را

ترا به فرض اين ديار

مرا ببخش

دنيا نميخواهد مرا

خدا نمي بخشد مرا

دريا نميبرد مرا

ترا به راستي ام قسم

مرا ببخش

تخت سفر رنگ ديگر

عرش شفق پرده حق

پرنده خسته منم

شايسته خانه منم

ترا قسم باز هم قسم

مرا ببخش

رفته بودم مهتابي بود

گفته بودم شفاهي بود

خواسته بودم قيمتي بود

ترا به مهر مادرت

مرا ببخش

به يگ سلام فقط بگو

به يگ کلام فقط بجو

ديگر نميگويم بس است

ديگر قسم نميخورم

فقط ببخش

مرا ببخش
From Gaisu

My Picture's

A Short Poem

you want and you get that is luck,
you want and you wait that is time,
you want but you compromise that is life
you want but you sacrifice that is LOVE

By ALi Azghar

Monday, 23 June 2008

A Profile On Bamyan Civilization.

A Profile On Bamyan Civilization
by Ishaq Mohammadi,
Quetta, Pakistan

Afghanistan is called the heart of Asia, while Bamyan is the heart of Afghanistan due to its rich cultural civilizations and even for its important geographical location. In the ancient times Bamyan was the nearest link road between Central Asia and the Subcontinent. Bamyan has been mentioned in Chinese as FAN-YAN or FAN-YENNA and in Pehlavi (Old Persian) as BAMIKAN (1).

Bamyan has not been merely recognized because of its Buddhist civilization in the world, but the characteristics of many other ancient civilizations are also found there. Among these, most famous name is ruins of the city of ZOHAK (MARDOASH) which was considered the biggest city of its time (2).

According to reliable historical evidences after the ritual congregation at PATNA (India) in 247 BC, the great ASUKA (3) sent three Buddhist monks DHAMMARAK-KHITA, MAJAHAN-TIKA and MAHARAK-KHITA for preaching to GANDHARA, Afghanistan and other countries. During that era an important "stupa" (4) was built in Bamyan. Later on, during the period of great Kaniska (5) the most famous ruler of Kushan dynasty (6) the Buddhist sect MAHAYANA got developed and thus the golden age of stone carving were started. In that period Bamyan was selected due to its geographical importance and best geological characteristics, and the work of carving of statues and caves was started. According to well-known French Archaeologists J-Hacking, Mr. &. Mrs. Godard who visited Bamyan in 1922 and 1924, the first statue of Buddha (35 meter high) locally known as "SHAMAMA" was carved during the 1st century AD. At the time the art of stone carving was not advanced and developed, so they carved an other improved statue 600 meters away form the 1st locally known as "SALSAL" which is 53 meters high, (2nd and 3rd century AD) the largest statue in the world. It is considered the most beautiful masterpiece in the art of Sculpturing. Besides that, there were two smaller statues in the meditating position (10 meters each), which were later on destroyed but still the places and signs are visible between these two grand statues. Around these two statues hundreds of smaller and bigger caves have been made, probably for Monks and special guests. Most of these caves had been painted which can be seen obviously.

In its bloom period, no doubt Bamyan was one of the most sacred and holy places for the Buddhists all over the world. Buddha's followers used to visit there every year for ritual purposes. Moreover, Bamyan played the role of the main and nearest link road between the Central Asia and Sub Continent. Therefore, at that time thousands of trade caravans were using Bamyan as junction. For accommodations of these thousands of people some twelve caves were made in FOLADI and KAKRAK passes (10 km away east form main Bamyan Valley) (7).

According to the history, at first in 6th century AD, the White Huns damaged this civilization and after getting revival to some extent, later on the Muslims thoroughly annexed the whole region up to 9th AD. Then they rooted up the Buddhism. The Muslims however didn't much damage except chapping the faces of Buddha's Statues. After them the great Mongol warrior Genghis Khan also came in the region in 1221 AD, and during long besiege of Bamyan city his beloved grand son MOTOKUN was killed by the Hazaras, so Genghis army destroyed the whole famous city GHULGHUL of Bamyan and its surroundings in revenge, but he did not touch any of the statues or painted caves because he had a soft corner towards Buddhism.

During the modern era of Afghanistan this historical heritage was badly damaged during the regime of Amir Abdul Rahman (1880-1901) when Amir conquered this region after a long and sever battle with the Hazaras (1880-1893). He not only killed and forced thousands of Hazara to migrate but also destroyed the whole historical Heritage, specially the Heritage of Bamyan which belonged to the Hazaras, in revenge.

King Amanullah (1919-1929) was the first ruler of Kabul who came to know about the importance of this historical heritage and declared the value of the national heritage of Afghanistan. At first he removed Surrais (hotels) away form the statues, and made vacant the caves by the occupied people and their cattle. Later on he invited French archaeologists for chronological survey of this historical site. Unfortunately after King Amanullah, other Afghan rulers like Nadir Shah, Zahir Shah and Sardar Dawood Khan on political reasons once again put this historical site in complete ignorance. After long time pro-Moscow regime paid attention to the protection of this heritage with the help of UNESCO, but this process was stopped due to civil war in Afghanistan.

In 1990 the whole province of Bamyan was annexed by Hezb-e-Wahdat (Hazara party) knowing the importance and value of this historical heritage. Hezb-e-Wahdat put full attention towards this site. The Old Bazar, which is lying beside the heritage, was being shifted gradually away from the site. The New GHULGHUL BAZAR remained incomplete due to occupation of TALIBAN.

A directorate had been established by Hezb-e-Wahdat under the supervision of Mr. Safwat, but not having sufficient resources, they could not make any major steps towards the protection and preservation of the whole heritage. They did some positive steps towards the safety of the site. Like preventing illicit and unruly digging and encroachments of dwellers.

In May 1997 the Taliban commander Mullah Wahid raised statement that after having held Bamyan city the whole heritage would be blown-up. At that time they did several attacks on Bamyan city. Due to the Taliban bombardments, the conglomerate floor which lies above the great statues arch, had been cracked.

After one year, in September 1998 when the Taliban held the Bamyan Valley, they made good on their earlier statments and fired several rockets on the Giant Buddha's statues (8) Even though they were told not to damage these giant statues (a cultural and historical heritage of human being specially the people of Afghanistan) by the secretary General of UNO an other well known world leaders.

No doubt that no one can deny the importance of this human grand civilization, which is considered to be the level of Egyptian civilization. But Unfortunately the Taliban is trying to ruin this human heritage on fanatic and prejudicial basis because it is beloved that the two Giant Buddha's where built and growthed Bamyan civilization by the Hazaras. Bamyan known a capital city of Hazarajat and having known as a heritage of Hazaras, Taliban representative of fanatic Pushtun historic and racial enemy of Hazaras are trying to destroy this human heritage on the basis of racial and religious prejudices.


May 02, 2001 - Buddha Statues Completely Destroyed by Taliban
In a display of extreme prejudice against the Hazara people the Taliban have destroyed two of the world's tallest ancient statues of Buddha in Bamyan, Afghanistan. Bamyan is the center and heart of Hazarajat region inhabited by the Hazara people since the 11th century and maybe earlier

The Taliban leaders issued a religious edict deeming the two of the World's tallest Buddha Statues, which are carved into a mountain, as non-Islamic and ordered their destruction. The Taliban are supported by their masters - the Pakistan army and Saudi Royal family.

Islamic scholars all over the world have condemned this decision and act of barbarism. The 2000 year old Buddha Statues were believed to have been carved during the time of the Kushan dynasty which are believed to be the ancestors of the Hazara tribe that inhabits Bamyan, the heart of Hazarajat region.

Haider Ali Gold Medalist Boxing

Haider ALi is Hazara Boxer in Pakistan

Haider Ali catches Som Bahadur Pun on his way to an easy victory in their featherweight bout

Missing You

Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you

Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.

بيا بيا من ميروم

بيا بيا من ميروم

دوستت دارم قاصدک مي داني؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

بيا بيبين من ميروم.

کنار نرگس و شبنم ....

نگار به سوي سحر گاه

نمي روند,نمي رسند عجب..........

بيا بيا من ميروم

نگاه گرم شبستان

به اسمان کهکشان ..

نرو بيا ....

به انتظار بهاران

به ارغوان نيمه راه.

قسم به آب روانش

قسم به قصر وجودش

بيا که غم صدا زند

بيا بيا من ميروم.....

عبور عشق ازين راه

سرور ساحل دريا

طلوع به باغ مي رسد بيا که نعره عشق است

من شور شر دارم هنوز

من چشم تر دارم هنوز

من جام به دست ساقيا

دردم به هر مي خانه ها...

من ميروم من ميروم.

بر گشتنم دست خدا

در جمله آخير غم

دوستت ميدارم


گيسو ياري

Sunday, 22 June 2008

بر نميگردي

امروز به باغ گل سرخ رفته ام

يکي را در درون گلي يکي را بيگانه ميبينم

به او گفتم بيا يگ بار در شهر جدائي ها

به من او گفت نمي آيم به ان شهر جدائي ها

به او گفتم بيا تا درد دل هارا رها سازيم

صدا از قلب بيرون کرد,نمي ايم نمي خواهم

به او گفتم گناهم چيست اي ظالم جفا کردي

جوابم داد وگفت اي مهربان تو بر نميگردي

به او گفتم عزيز من به من تو وعده کردي بس

به اه سرد فرياد زد نمي دانم چرا دوري

به او گفتم به ياد روي تو زارم به غربت ها

به من او گفت اي شاعر ديگر بر نمي گردي

به او گفتم نرفته ام هنوز در قصر غفلت ها

به لهن خويش برمن گفت که ديگر برنميگردي

به شاخ گل قسم خوردم که من هم بر گشته ام

ولي او گفت نديدم من ولي تو بر نميگردي

گيسو ياري

Persistency and Vision

There are many individuals, companies and ideas that started without much success and did not look very promising at beginning, but they turned out to be very successful because they had a vision of the future, sat goals with determination to achieve, and stayed persistent to turn their goals into reality.
Alexander Graham Bell offered to sell his telephone patent to Western Union for $100,000, but Western Union turned it down. They didn’t see much value in something that has literally and virtually changed how the world communicates today.
Edwin Land created the instant camera and tried to sell his idea to Kodak but was not successful. So, he started Polaroid Corporation which became very successful and a competitor to Kodak.
The Cosby Show could not find a home at any of the networks at the beginning. Finally, NBC agreed to take it because they were desperate and needed to fill its schedule.
Bruce Lee was rejected for the television show called “Kung Fu” because he was not an experienced actor. So, the directors of the show decided to use David Karadeen as the star of the show. However, Bruce followed his dream and turned it into reality.
Michael Jordan, basketball star of the Chicago Bulls, did not make the first cut at his high school basketball team. However, he later became one of the best basketball players of the 1990’s. He lead his team to four NBA championships. It was announced that by the time he was 30 years of age, he had missed over 9,000 shots throughout his college and NBA basketball career; yet he was the best player of the decade because he kept setting higher goals and learned to make them happen by working hard and continuously learning.

By Ahmed

Afghanistan-a War Torn Land

As I look at my country after all these years
My eyes are wide and full of tears
The green land that I once called my home
Is no longer so green any more
For it is a lonely war-torn land
The skies are, as dull as the sand
I can still hear bombs blowing away mosques and houses
Afghan women weeping at the loss of their spouses
But even they are not allowed to cry
For they have been veiled and left to die
Children with one arm or half of a leg
Most of these orphans are forced to beg
How could a country that was once a palace?
Not overcome such a huge challenge
26 years of war is the answer to this question
I hope other countries have learned a lesson
That war only brings pain and sorrow
So listen to this poem it might save tomorrow

By Ahmed

love s the fairest flower

Could you recognize where are those place ?
It is a moving spectacle, I love it very much!
Life doesn’t lack of beauty,but it lacks of the eyes of finding beauty…
Hope you will love it too…

ناله شمع

بيا مرا صدا کن قلب مرا دوا کن

اشک غروب در سفر بوي مرا نگاه کن

دست مرا تو بگير آغوش گرم خموش

در شرارت هاي شمع با من ديگر وداع کن

وعده نکردم به بهر قصه نکردم به تو

گيسوي ديرينه را حال بيا صدا کن

خط نوشتم پيش شمع گر نبودم پيش تو

در لجن زار هاي عشق اين بار مرا دعا کن

ببين به آسمانت ببوس ستارگانت

گر نديدي روي او خير بيا شفا کن

کاش نديدم ديگر بادبادک دشت و کوه

سرد بود دست من ترا خدا دوا کن

غرق نکرد آب چشم گوشه دل زخمي

سلام آخيري را تحغه به عقبا کن

خوف شعبان سر رسيد وقتي توئي در شفق

ميروم نميايم ياد مرا ضيا کن

